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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 31, Issue 3, pp. 467-699

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On the Initial-Value Problem in the Lifshitz--Slyozov--Wagner Theory of Ostwald Ripening

Barbara Niethammer and Robert L. Pego

pp. 467-485

Global Small Amplitude Solutions of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Systems with a Critical Exponent under the Null Condition

Akira Hoshiga and Hideo Kubo

pp. 486-513

Global Asymptotic Stability of Traveling Waves in Delayed Reaction-Diffusion Equations

Hal L. Smith and Xiao-Qiang Zhao

pp. 514-534

Qualitative Behavior of Solutions of Chemotactic Diffusion Systems: Effects of Motility and Chemotaxis and Dynamics

Xuefeng Wang

pp. 535-560

Stopping Times and Local Convergence for Spline Wavelet Expansions

Richard F. Gundy and Kazaros Kazarian

pp. 561-573

Stability Properties for a Compactly Supported Prescale Function

V. Dobric, R. F. Gundy, and P. Hitczenko

pp. 574-580

Asymptotic Behavior of Nonlinear Elliptic Systems on Varying Domains

Juan Casado Diaz and Adriana Garroni

pp. 581-624

Scattering Theory and Self-Similar Solutions for the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation

Thierry Cazenave and Fred B. Weissler

pp. 625-650

An Elliptic Regularity Result for a Composite Medium with "Touching" Fibers of Circular Cross-Section

Eric Bonnetier and Michael Vogelius

pp. 651-677

Behavior of Solutions Near the Flat Hats of Stationary Solutions for a Degenerate Parabolic Equation

Shingo Takeuchi

pp. 678-692

An Inequality Involving the Generalized Hypergeometric Function and the Arc Length of an Ellipse

Roger W. Barnard, Kent Pearce, and Kendall C. Richards

pp. 693-699